Agile vs Waterfall - Project Management Methodologies

               Agile vs Waterfall Differences 

What is agile project management? 

Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering a project, which focuses on continuous releases that incorporate customer feedback. The ability to adjust during each iteration promotes velocity and adaptability. This approach is different from a linear, waterfall project management approach, which follows a set path with limited deviation.

With today’s customers and businesses requiring rapid responses and changes, agile provides the flexibility to adjust and iterate during the development process. Agile project management is also a cornerstone of DevOps practices, where development and operations teams work collaboratively.


What is waterfall project management? 

The waterfall project management approach entails a clearly defined sequence of execution with project phases that do not advance until a phase receives final approval. Once a phase is completed, it can be difficult and costly to revisit a previous stage. Agile teams may follow a similar sequence yet do so in smaller increments with regular feedback loops. 

The waterfall project management approach follows a linear, sequential formula. It works well for work that has predictable, recurring processes, yet it can leave development teams flat-footed and unable to adjust faster than a competitor. 

A single missed deadline or scope change during a waterfall project can cause outsized impacts on subsequent releases. Additionally, when a team is fully focused on the next phase of work, resolving technical debt or fixing bugs can be painful if the team is fully allocated to new feature work and always pressing forward to the next stage.

Below is an illustration of a standard waterfall project with rigidly segmented blocks of time. This creates a “use it or lose it” mentality that encourages developers, product owners, and stakeholders to request as much time as possible in each time window, since there may be no opportunity to iterate in the future. Typically, teams using waterfall try to control scope creep through “change control”, where everyone agrees the original contract is not changed.

Agile vs. waterfall 

·       adapt to changing circumstances from newly discovered requirements to a blocked piece of work.
·       gather feedback from stakeholders during the process and iterate responsively without the stress of a final delivery deadline.
·       build relationships and connections across roles that make it easier for people to connect and communicate effectively.

Agile was first adopted by software teams, who moved from the traditional, sequential waterfall approach to a method that garnered consistent feedback and adjustment throughout the development lifecycle.

Agile project management takes an iterative approach to development by creating several incremental steps with regular feedback intervals. This promotes adaptability since a team can adjust throughout the product development process, rather than being confined to a linear path. It also allows for regular, high-impact releases that enable teams to deliver a series of wins over time.

Iterative releases unlock multiple opportunities for a team to:

Agile allows teams to be more resilient to changes that inevitably occur during a project.

An even greater benefit is shared skill sets among the software team. The team's overlapping skill sets add flexibility to the work in all parts of the team's codebase. This way, work and time aren’t wasted if the project direction changes. 

